ExpHydro Model Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the ExpHydro model for hydrological calculations, including:
- Lumped calculation (Single HRU)
- Distributed calculation (Multiple HRUs)
First, import the required Julia packages:
using CSV
using DataFrames
using ComponentArrays
using BenchmarkTools
using NamedTupleTools
using Plots
Model Setup
Parameter Configuration
The ExpHydro model contains 6 key parameters defined using ComponentVector:
# Define model parameters
params = ComponentVector(
f = 0.01674478, # Infiltration parameter
Smax = 1709.461015, # Maximum soil water storage
Qmax = 18.46996175, # Maximum discharge
Df = 2.674548848, # Degree-day factor
Tmax = 0.175739196, # Maximum temperature threshold
Tmin = -2.092959084 # Minimum temperature threshold
Initial States
Set initial states for the two calculation modules:
# Define initial states
inistates = ComponentVector(
snowpack = 0.0, # Snow accumulation
soilwater = 1303.004248 # Soil water content
Data Preparation
The model uses hydrometeorological data from "data/exphydro/01013500.csv":
# Read input data
file_path = "data/exphydro/01013500.csv"
data = CSV.File(file_path)
df = DataFrame(data)
ts = collect(1:10000) # Time series length
Input variables include:
- Day length (dayl)
- Mean temperature (tmean)
- Precipitation (prcp)
Import the ExpHydro Model
HydroModel: exphydro
Components: surface, soil
Inputs: temp, lday, prcp
Outputs: pet, snowfall, rainfall, melt, evap, baseflow, surfaceflow, flow
Parameters: Tmin, Tmax, Df, Smax, Qmax, f
States: snowpack, soilwater
Fluxes: 0 fluxes
Buckets: 2 buckets
Route: nothing
Model Testing
Single Node Testing
# Configure solver
solver = HydroModels.ManualSolver{true}()
pas = ComponentVector(params=params, inistates=inistates)
# Run model with benchmarking
result = exphydro_model(input, pas, config=(solver=solver, timeidx=ts))
# convert to NamedTuple
model_total_output_names = vcat(HydroModels.get_state_names(exphydro_model), HydroModels.get_output_names(exphydro_model))
result_ntp = NamedTuple{Tuple(model_total_output_names)}(eachslice(result, dims=1))
# Visualize results
plot(result_ntp.flow, label="Simulated")
plot!(df[ts, "flow(mm)"], label="Observed")
The other hydrological fluxes are also available
output_df = DataFrame(result)
10000×10 DataFrame
Row │ snowpack soilwater pet snowfall rainfall melt evap baseflow surfaceflow flow
│ Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 │ 0.0 0.0 1.13779 0.0 3.1 0.0204477 0.0 1303.0 0.867263 0.0204477
2 │ 0.0 0.0 1.51019 0.0 4.24 0.0211591 0.0 1305.05 1.15292 0.0211591
3 │ 0.0 0.0 1.63204 0.0 8.02 0.0228657 0.0 1309.68 1.25036 0.0228657
4 │ 0.0 0.0 1.21771 0.0 15.27 0.0274505 0.0 1320.59 0.940706 0.0274505
5 │ 0.0 0.0 1.02779 0.0 8.48 0.033228 0.0 1332.0 0.800846 0.033228
⋮ │ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮
9996 │ 0.0 261.111 0.221762 0.0 0.0 0.495441 -0.0 1493.37 0.193729 0.495441
9997 │ 0.0 266.638 0.238907 12.06 0.0 0.49106 -0.0 1492.84 0.208632 0.49106
9998 │ 0.0 278.143 0.288362 11.55 0.0 0.486664 -0.0 1492.3 0.25173 0.486664
9999 │ 0.0 285.026 0.311022 1.84 0.0 0.482119 -0.0 1491.74 0.271409 0.482119
10000 │ 0.0 286.074 0.176836 0.14 0.0 0.477275 -0.0 1491.14 0.154251 0.477275
trial another solver (using HydroModelTools)
using HydroModelTools: ODESolver, DiscreteSolver
using OrdinalDiffEq
# using continuous solver
result1 = exphydro_model(input, pas, config=(solver=ODESolver(alg=Tsit5(), abstol=1e-3, reltol=1e-3), timeidx=ts))
# using discrete solver
result2 = exphydro_model(input, pas, config=(solver=DiscreteSolver(), timeidx=ts))
Single Node Benchmarking
# Performance testing using BenchmarkTools
@btime exphydro_model(input, params, config=(solver=solver, timeidx=ts), convert_to_ntp=true);
@btime exphydro_model(input, params, config=(solver=ODESolver(alg=Tsit5(), abstol=1e-3, reltol=1e-3), timeidx=ts), convert_to_ntp=true);
@btime exphydro_model(input, params, config=(solver=DiscreteSolver(), timeidx=ts), convert_to_ntp=true);
Efficiency of each solver
16.612 ms (328670 allocations: 35.08 MiB)
16.748 ms (328670 allocations: 35.08 MiB)
7.844 ms (160412 allocations: 20.11 MiB)
Multi-Node Testing
Multi-node setup for distributed computing:
# Setup multiple nodes
node_num = 10 # Number of nodes
# convert to 3D array (variables, node_num, time)
inputs = repeat(reshape(input, size(input)[1], 1, size(input)[2]), 1, node_num, 1)
ptypes = [Symbol(:node, i) for i in 1:node_num]
# Configure parameters and states for multiple nodes
params_multi = ComponentVector(NamedTuple{Tuple(ptypes)}(repeat([params], node_num)))
init_states_multi = ComponentVector(NamedTuple{Tuple(ptypes)}(repeat([inistates], node_num)))
pas_multi = ComponentVector(params=params_multi, initstates=init_states_multi)
# Run multi-node simulation
results = exphydro_model(inputs, pas_multi, config=(solver=solver, timeidx=ts))