Build an ExpHydro Model

Introduction to ExpHydro Model

This section demonstrates how to build a simple hydrological model - the ExpHydro model - using HydroModels.jl, serving as an introduction to conceptual model construction. The ExpHydro model consists of two computational modules: the Snowpack Bucket and the Soilwater Bucket. Their mathematical formulations are as follows:

\[\begin{aligned} & \text{Snowpack Bucket:} \\ & pet = 29.8 \cdot lday \cdot 24 \cdot 0.611 \cdot \frac{\exp(17.3 \cdot temp)}{temp + 237.3} \cdot \frac{1}{temp + 273.2} && (1) \\ & snowfall = H(T_{min} - temp) \cdot prcp && (2) \\ & rainfall = H(temp - T_{min}) \cdot prcp && (3) \\ & melt = H(temp - T_{max}) \cdot H(snowpack) \cdot \min(snowpack, D_f \cdot (temp - T_{max})) && (4) \\ & \frac{d(snowpack)}{dt} = snowfall - melt && (5) \\ \\ & \text{Soilwater Bucket:} \\ & evap = H(soilwater) \cdot pet \cdot \min(1.0, \frac{soilwater}{S_{max}}) && (6) \\ & baseflow = H(soilwater) \cdot Q_{max} \cdot \exp(-f \cdot \max(0.0, S_{max} - soilwater)) && (7) \\ & surfaceflow = \max(0.0, soilwater - S_{max}) && (8) \\ & flow = baseflow + surfaceflow && (9) \\ & \frac{d(soilwater)}{dt} = rainfall + melt - evap - flow && (10) \end{aligned}\]

Where: $H(x)$ represents the Heaviside step function, equals 1 when $x > 0$, otherwise 0; $T_{min}, T_{max}, D_f, S_{max}, Q_{max}, f$ are model parameters;$temp, lday, prcp$ are input variables;$snowpack, soilwater$ are state variables;Other variables are intermediate calculation variables

Complete Model Construction Process

# import packages
using HydroModels

# define variables and parameters
@variables temp lday pet prcp 
@variables snowfall rainfall melt evap baseflow surfaceflow flow
@variables snowpack soilwater
@parameters Tmin Tmax Df Smax Qmax f

step_func(x) = (tanh(5.0 * x) + 1.0) * 0.5

# define snowpack bucket
fluxes_1 = [
    HydroFlux([temp, lday] => [pet], exprs=[29.8 * lday * 24 * 0.611 * exp((17.3 * temp) / (temp + 237.3)) / (temp + 273.2)]),
    HydroFlux([prcp, temp] => [snowfall, rainfall], [Tmin], exprs=[step_func(Tmin - temp) * prcp, step_func(temp - Tmin) * prcp]),
    HydroFlux([snowpack, temp] => [melt], [Tmax, Df], exprs=[step_func(temp - Tmax) * step_func(snowpack) * min(snowpack, Df * (temp - Tmax))]),
dfluxes_1 = [StateFlux([snowfall] => [melt], snowpack),]
snowpack_bucket = HydroBucket(name=:surface, funcs=fluxes_1, dfuncs=dfluxes_1)

# define soilwater bucket
fluxes_2 = [
    HydroFlux([soilwater, pet] => [evap], [Smax], exprs=[step_func(soilwater) * pet * min(1.0, soilwater / Smax)]),
    HydroFlux([soilwater] => [baseflow], [Smax, Qmax, f], exprs=[step_func(soilwater) * Qmax * exp(-f * (max(0.0, Smax - soilwater)))]),
    HydroFlux([soilwater] => [surfaceflow], [Smax], exprs=[max(0.0, soilwater - Smax)]),
    HydroFlux([baseflow, surfaceflow] => [flow], exprs=[baseflow + surfaceflow]),
dfluxes_2 = [StateFlux([rainfall, melt] => [evap, flow], soilwater)]
soilwater_bucket = HydroBucket(name=:soil, funcs=fluxes_2, dfuncs=dfluxes_2)

# define the Exp-Hydro model
exphydro_model = HydroModel(name=:exphydro, components=[snowpack_bucket, soilwater_bucket])

Step-by-Step Analysis

Let's break down the model construction process into detailed steps.

First, we need to import the HydroModels.jl dependency:

using HydroModels

By importing the HydroModels module, we gain direct access to types defined in HydroFlux, StateFlux, HydroBucket, and HydroModel modules. Additionally, the package exports macros from ModelingToolkit.jl such as @variables and @parameters, which are used for defining and manipulating variables and parameters in hydrological models:

@variables temp lday prcp 
@variables snowfall rainfall melt evap baseflow surfaceflow flow pet
@variables snowpack soilwater
@parameters Tmin Tmax Df Smax Qmax f

In this code segment, we define all variables used in the ExpHydro model, including:

  • Input variables: temperature (temp), day length (lday), and precipitation (prcp)
  • Intermediate calculation variables: pet, snowfall, rainfall, melt, evap, baseflow, surfaceflow, flow
  • State variables: snowpack and soilwater
  • Model parameters: Tmin, Tmax, Df, Smax, Qmax, and f

The definition of HydroFlux requires determining input/output variables and model parameters based on calculation formulas. For example, in the rain-snow partitioning formula, the input variables are prcp and temp, output variables are snowfall and rainfall, and the model parameter is Tmin. The formula translation to HydroFlux looks like this:

# define the smooth function
step_func(x) = (tanh(5.0 * x) + 1.0) * 0.5
# define the rain-snow partitioning flux
split_flux = HydroFlux([prcp, temp] => [snowfall, rainfall], [Tmin], exprs=[step_func(Tmin - temp) * prcp, step_func(temp - Tmin) * prcp])

The definition of StateFlux is based on the balance equation of state variables. Generally, the balance equation equates the rate of change of the state variable to the difference between input and output fluxes. For example, the balance equation for snowpack is the difference between snowfall and melt. The formula translation to StateFlux looks like this:

snowpack_dflux = StateFlux([snowfall] => [melt], snowpack)

Next, we define the model calculation formulas using HydroFlux and StateFlux, and integrate them into HydroBucket to create the Snowpack Bucket and Soilwater Bucket components:

# define snowpack bucket
fluxes_1 = [
    HydroFlux([temp, lday] => [pet], exprs=[29.8 * lday * 24 * 0.611 * exp((17.3 * temp) / (temp + 237.3)) / (temp + 273.2)]),
    HydroFlux([prcp, temp] => [snowfall, rainfall], [Tmin], exprs=[step_func(Tmin - temp) * prcp, step_func(temp - Tmin) * prcp]),
    HydroFlux([snowpack, temp] => [melt], [Tmax, Df], exprs=[step_func(temp - Tmax) * step_func(snowpack) * min(snowpack, Df * (temp - Tmax))]),
dfluxes_1 = [StateFlux([snowfall] => [melt], snowpack),]
snowpack_bucket = HydroBucket(name=:surface, funcs=fluxes_1, dfuncs=dfluxes_1)

# define soilwater bucket
fluxes_2 = [
    HydroFlux([soilwater, pet] => [evap], [Smax], exprs=[step_func(soilwater) * pet * min(1.0, soilwater / Smax)]),
    HydroFlux([soilwater] => [baseflow], [Smax, Qmax, f], exprs=[step_func(soilwater) * Qmax * exp(-f * (max(0.0, Smax - soilwater)))]),
    HydroFlux([soilwater] => [surfaceflow], [Smax], exprs=[max(0.0, soilwater - Smax)]),
    HydroFlux([baseflow, surfaceflow] => [flow], exprs=[baseflow + surfaceflow]),
dfluxes_2 = [StateFlux([rainfall, melt] => [evap, flow], soilwater)]
soilwater_bucket = HydroBucket(name=:soil, funcs=fluxes_2, dfuncs=dfluxes_2)

The construction of HydroBucket consists of HydroFlux and StateFlux, where HydroFlux defines the model's calculation formulas, and StateFlux defines the balance equations for state variables.

Finally, we combine the HydroBucket components into a HydroModel to create the complete ExpHydro model:

# define the Exp-Hydro model
exphydro_model = HydroModel(name=:exphydro, components=[snowpack_bucket, soilwater_bucket])